How can we help?


Documentary Production: Creative Co-Production

This funding is for documentary feature films

The film must be structured as an official co-production with third party funding from the leading territory in place and must employ key Irish talent.

Who is it for?

You may be eligible if:

  • You are in a team(s) of Irish producer(s), writer(s), and director(s) (where the Irish producer is the minority co-producer)
  • Priority will be given to projects with an Irish theme, Irish subject matter or Irish diaspora inclusion, and where a number of key Irish HOD's are employed. Reciprocity from funding agencies in other jurisdictions will be sought in appropriate circumstances. 

What do you get?

Maximum Award

€150,000 / up to 65% of the budget

What can it be used for?

Creative Co-Production funding is available to Irish producers. Funding is available to co-produce and collaborate creatively on a documentary feature film originated outside of Ireland which is structured as an official co-production having secured third party funding from the leading territory. Clear access to the necessary rights in any material that is to be adapted for the screen and an agreement in place with the writer and director must be obtained before submitting an application.

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