How can we help?


Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme(SICAP)

SICAP 2024-2028 Supporting the expansion of Social Enterprises to address collective community needs

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme provides direct financial support that can make a significant difference to people by giving them the financial assistance they need to put their business ideas into practice. SICAP supports the establishment and expansion of Social Enterprises to address collective community needs, including employing those who are most marginalised, which in turn can foster the establishment of local services where other enterprises may not be in a position to. From 2024, once-off Enterprise Start-up grants may assist an individual to set up a business. 

Who is it for?

SICAP supports a range of disadvantaged and marginalised groups in society who are unable or unlikely to access mainstream supports. 

You might be eligible if:

  •  you are an individual who is starting a business
  • you are a business operating using a social enterprise model whereby your enterprise generates non-public funding by charging for goods and services delivered
  • To be eligible for support, SEs supported under SICAP must provide services to one or more of the 12 named target groups, including provision of employment/training opportunities, and/or focus on addressing one or more of the programme’s eight thematic focus areas. 

The 12 Sicap target groups include: 

  1. People living in disadvantaged communities
  2. People impacted by educational disadvantage
  3. People living in jobless households or households where the primary income source is low-paid and/or precarious
  4. People who are long-term unemployed
  5. People with a criminal history
  6. Refugees
  7. International Protection Applicants
  8. Disabled People/People with Disabilities
  9. Heads of One-parent Families
  10. Travellers
  11. Roma
  12. Island residents

Local SEs should contact their nearest Programme Implementing (PI) organisation (available on the Pobal website) for further details and support.

What do you get?

  • The Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP) provides small grants of a maximum of €2,500 to Social Enterprises (SE) (max one grant per year) and to Enterprise Start-ups (on a once-off basis)
  • Match funding of 20% is required by the grantee, at least half of which must be paid in cash


What can it be used for?

  • Grant funding can be used for projects that provide services to one or more of the 12 named Target Groups under SICAP, and/or focus on addressing one or more of the programme’s eight thematic focus areas

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