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LEADER programme for Rural Development

LEADER Programme: Funding Projects for Economic Growth, Rural Infrastructure, and Climate Resilience

Since its launch in 1991, LEADER has provided rural communities across the EU with the resources to enable local partners to actively engage the local development of their area, through community led local development. The 2023-2027 LEADER Programme accepts applications based on projects which improve:

• Economic Development and Job Creation

• Rural Infrastructure & Social Inclusion

• Sustainable Development of the Rural Environment and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Who is it for?

You may be eligible if: 

  • your enterprise (including social enterprise) is located in a rural area - defined as 'all parts of Ireland with the exception of the areas within the boundaries of the five main cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford and Galway'
  • In order for a project to be eligible for LEADER funding, it must be compatible with the actions outlined in the approved Local Development Strategy for the relevant LEADER area, and it must comply with the Operating Rules and EU Regulations in place for the programme

What do you get?

  • Grant aid of up to €200,000 may be awarded to private companies for various project types
  • Grant aid of up to €500,000 may be awarded for community projects
  • The decision to approve a project, or otherwise, is a matter for the LAG (Local Action Group) that administers the programme in each LEADER area

What can it be used for?

  • Aid is available for community projects, private enterprise and social enterprise for Investment and other supports, analysis and development and training

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