How can we help?


IntertradeIreland Trade Hub

The InterTradeIreland Trade Hub supports existing and new SMEs with All Island Trade issues.

The Trade Hub has developed a comprehensive knowledge base which provides information on a variety of topics, including trade in goods and services. It focuses on the key areas of Customs, VAT, Regulation, and Employment.  

It provides SMEs with tailored, fully funded, one-to-one consultancy support.

Who is it for?

Eligibility Criteria

For those that require level 1 Telephone Consultation 

  • Any SME based on the island of Ireland

For those who require level 2 – Three Days fully funded 1 to 1 consultancy 

  • Located on the island of Ireland (North or South)
  • Potential to trade across the border (Northern Ireland / Ireland)
  • Employ fewer than 250 employees
  • Have an annual turnover of less than €50m (or sterling equivalent)
  • Have a satisfactory trading history 

What do you get?

There are two levels of fully funded support within the InterTradeIreland Trade Hub

Level 1 

If your query is straightforward, you'll receive an immediate answer which includes up to a two-hour phone call with a consultant, enabling you to get back to work with the advice needed.

Level 2 

If your query is more complex, or you would benefit from more in-depth support, we can provide you with up to three days consultancy support.

What can it be used for?

For consultancy advice in four key areas of cross border trade: 

  • Customs 
  • VAT requirements for goods, services and e-commerce
  • Regulation and labelling 
  • Your obligations as a Cross-Border employer or worker.

Get in touch