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Policies and Guidelines

    Employer Disability Information


    Disability Information service for Employers

    As a member of the Advisory Committee for the Employer Disability Information service, National Enterprise Hub is working with other Government Departments and Agencies, representatives of the business sector and the wider community to assist with achieving increased employment of people with disabilities.

    The purpose of the Employer Disability Information service is to provide employers with an expert source of advice and information on employing staff with disabilities, with a view to enhancing the confidence and competence of individual employers to employ, manage and retain staff with disabilities. The ultimate aim is to promote increased employment of people with disabilities.

    The service is a national resource of advice and information for employers on employment of people with disabilities and includes:


    • A dedicated phone line providing advice and information to employers on employment of people with disabilities.
    • A website incorporating guidance and an FAQ section, which is kept up to date.
    • Publicising the service and proactive outreach to employers.
    • Using the mainstream channels of the participating organisations, including Chambers, Ibec & ISME, to disseminate information on the service and on matters relating to employment of people with disabilities.
    • Development of networks and fora for employers to share experiences and good practice.


    Learn more at:


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An initiative of the Government of Ireland. Powered by Enterprise Ireland.