How can we help?


Lean and Digitalisation Business Offer

Lean and digital transformation support for multinational companies in Ireland

Who is it for?

You might be eligible if:

  • You are an existing IDA client company

What do you get?

  • Free Diagnostics: The program provides free, online self-assessment tools:
  • Advanced Manufacturing Diagnostic: This assesses how well a manufacturing company is using digital and sustainable technologies.
  • Digitalisation Diagnostic for Services (DDS): This helps service companies evaluate their current digitalization maturity.
  • Innovation Diagnostic Tool (IDT): This tool assesses a company's overall innovation maturity.
  • Personalized Reports: Upon completing these assessments, companies receive a detailed report with:
  • Current performance scores in digitalization or innovation (depending on the tool used).
  • Areas for improvement identified in the specific digital or lean practices.
  • Prioritized recommendations for growth opportunities.
  • Information on relevant support programs or resources offered by IDA Ireland.

What can it be used for?

Overall, the Lean and Digitalisation Business Offer helps existing IDA Ireland clients identify areas for improvement, develop a roadmap for growth, and ultimately become more efficient, innovative, and competitive in the marketplace.

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