How can we help?


Built to Innovate

An initiative by Enterprise Ireland under the Housing for All programme

The Built to Innovate initiative is aimed at increasing productivity and innovation with a view to reducing the cost of construction.

Who is it for?

To be eligible for supports businesses must:

  • Be Irish companies with a minimum of 10 full time employees,

  • Construction services and manufacturing companies that have a minimum of 20% of revenue derived from home building.

Eligible Activities

Projects seeking grant funding will be assessed as follows:

  1. For productivity projects, the project to be undertaken must involve a new process or a significant improvement to an existing process which can demonstrate an impact on the cost of home building in Ireland.

  2. For Innovation projects, the project must result in a new product or process which will have a demonstrable impact on the cost of home building in Ireland.

What do you get?

The Built to Innovate initiative seeks to support companies in the sector who wish to pursue:

  • Enhanced usage and implementation of Modern Methods of Construction,

  • Implementing Lean training in both manufacturing and onsite environments,

  • Improving the use of digital tools that can bring productivity benefits,

  • Funding for research concepts or process innovation ideas.

What can it be used for?

  • Built to Innovate Lean Offer is designed to deliver higher levels of on time and on budget project delivery.
  • Built to Innovate Digital Offer supports you to implement projects that will give you better and more reliable project and financial information.
  • If you have a new idea or you can see a way to improve a product or system, these grant packages could help you bring these to market.

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