How can we help?


Fiction: Creative Co-Production

Funding for live-action or animated feature films originating outside Ireland in which an Irish producer (ROI) is involved as a creative collaborator

  • This funding is for live-action or animated feature films (live-action or animated TV projects are not eligible) originating outside Ireland in which an Irish producer (ROI) is involved as a creative collaborator, not merely a service producer and provider of a minority of the finance needed.
  • The film must be structured as an official co-production with third party funding from the leading territory in place and must employ key Irish talent.
  • Priority will be given to projects that utilise Ireland as a film location, depict Ireland for Ireland, and where a number of key Irish HOD's and/or Irish cast are employed. 
  • Reciprocity from funding agencies in other jurisdictions will be sought in appropriate circumstances.

Who is it for?

  • Irish producers with a live-action or animated feature film structured as an official co-production with third party funding from the leading territory in place

What do you get?

  • Maximum Award €350,000

What can it be used for?

  •  Funding is available to co-produce and collaborate creatively on a live-action or animated feature film originated outside of Ireland which is structured as an official co-production having secured third party funding from the leading territory.

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