How can we help?


FSAI Learning Portal

Resources that will help you keep up to date with food safety

The content is aimed at areas of priority, such as food safety culture, food safety controls, and product recalls, as well as areas of non-compliance, or areas where businesses struggle to comply with food law. 

Who is it for?

Any food business in Ireland.

What do you get?

The Portal provides training courses, resources, and materials that will help food businesses keep up to date with food safety. The learning materials have been designed so that they can fit into a food business operator’s schedule or can be used as part of staff meetings to keep staff up to date on food safety topics.

What can it be used for?

The FSAI Learning Portal supplements the food safety training provided by food businesses, with easily incorporated learning materials. It is designed to support businesses in keeping staff up to date on food safety topics.

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