How can we help?


FSAI Website

A comprehensive resource, featuring guidance documents, Q&As, training materials, and legislative updates

The site includes specific sections on food legislation, allergen management, food labelling requirements, and more, making it a valuable tool for any food business in Ireland.

Who is it for?

The FSAI website operates as a complete resource for food businesses, consumers, inspectors and interested stakeholders

What do you get?

The FSAI website provides detailed information relating to food safety, including guidance documents, Q&As, training materials, and legislative updates to support compliance with food safety legislation. The site includes specific sections on food legislation, importing and exporting, health claims, food labelling requirements, and more, making it a valuable tool for any food business in Ireland

What can it be used for?

The FSAI website can be used by businesses at any stage, from start-up to day-to-day business management. It offers useful supports on legal obligations and best practice.

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